Chopped Liver - A Community for Live Organ Donors and Recipients

Monday, September 25, 2006

On pope-blogging and liver-donating

I have a theory that Pope-related posts are far over-used by bloggers, so I apologize for the indiscretion of "pope-blogging" just before going on a posting hiatus. (And I hope dearly that I have just officially coined a new term, and that I might rejoice in someday seeing it added to the OED.)

I have much more personal updates to share, anyway. First, remember a few posts back, when I wrote about a young man in Canada who was donating for a young baby he didn't know, Kailey Simmons? The surgery was last week, and the donor wrote me to say that he and the little girl are doing well. I officially welcome him to Chopped Liver siblinghood! He's eagerly hoping to meet the girl and her family sometime soon. I'm following the story in the Canadian press, and as soon as someone writes with an update, I'll post a link.

Second, my thanks to those of you who've been asking about Joe. After a week into working again, he's feeling fine and going strong. Such a welcome reprieve after nearly seven months of frustrating recovery set-backs.


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