Chopped Liver - A Community for Live Organ Donors and Recipients

Monday, February 13, 2006

More than I knew before

Searching Wikipedia for relevant entries on adult living-donor liver transplantation, I came across this page from Mount Sinai School of Medicine. I wish I had found it before the surgery, and recommend it for anyone considering transplantation as donor or recipient. (Terry, check it out!) I've added it to my links list in the right column below.


  • Hi Becky: Thanks for stopping by my blog today. It's nice to meet you! I'm looking forward to reading all about your gift to your brother. You asked about whether or not my daughter actually was diagnosed with PSC. The specialist we went to tried to rule that out because TP did have some symptoms of it, plus she had a biliary duct obstruction. The bottom line is, they think did (does?) have some sort of cholangitis related to her lupus. But, the stent they put in (and subsequently took ou) helped to stretch the obstruction, so for now, she is symptom free and the obstruction has been corrected. They can't tell me whether or not she will again need another ERCP to help open up an obstruction if one should occur, nor do they really know if she will develop PCS over the course of the upcoming years. All we can do now is just monitor her labs (which we have to do for the lupus, anyway). So, that's kind of a roundabout answer, but there you have it. And because TP is adopted, we wouldn't be able to find a perfect match for her like you were for your brother. Nonetheless, I am hopeful that it won't get to that point; and if it does, then God will have to take over and do what He does best. Let's keep in touch, though, as I'm sure I'll need more info as time goes on. Blessings to you!

    By Blogger Valerie, at 8:24 PM  

  • hey becky, thanks for the information. how are you feeling? that's a nice blanket you knitted. i'll be back in boston for 2 more tests then i'll be ready for surgery. om shanti terry

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:25 AM  

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