Chopped Liver - A Community for Live Organ Donors and Recipients

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Meet my new blog!

Update October 2010. Sadly, we have ceased operations of the Greatest Gift Foundation that is described below, in 2010. It is a great idea that maybe was ahead of its time, and required more funding and work than we could manage with our resources. However, the blog mentioned below does exist and is full of relevant and informative posts; I hope you'll check it out! - Becky, 10/26/2010

Chopped Liver fans, I am thrilled to re-direct you to my new blog, the official "day to day on living organ donation" blog of the Greatest Gift Foundation. For lack of a better name, I'm just calling it "the Greatest Gift blog" (yeah, I'm wildly creative like that). The address is My thanks to Mindy for her help and inspiration on getting it going. Mindy is terrific.

I will still blog here at Chopped Liver on more personal stuff, and not just transplant related anymore. Dating? Movies? Odd people? All fair game. (Not that I could possibly ever compete with this, this, or this.)
But for the latest on living organ donors, living organ donation, living donors, living organ donors, organ transplantation, living donors in the news, organ donation resources, organ transplant resources, and more, find me over at (Take that, keyword search engine optimizers!)

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